LAmbAdA CAke

I've tasted this sweet dessert couple of times and always swore I would try to do it myself, but never had the time. So, since my brother had a birthday coming up and knowing he loooves it, I just had to find the time for it. My original idea was to reconstruct Lambada dessert in a traditional way of making a cake. But this plan fell through. Structurally, it would be just too unstable. Therefore, I decided to make it like it's supposed to be done. Here is the recipe for it (in English as well as Slovene);

Ingredients / Sestavine:

              Sponge Cake / Biskvit (for 16 people / za 16 ljudi)

-          4 eggs                                                   / 4 jajca
-          8 spoons of water                                 / 8 žlic vode
-          7.05  oz of sugar                                   / 200  g sladkorja
-          8.46  oz of flour                                    / 240  g moke
-          1 bag of baking powder  (0.45  oz)       / 1 pecilni prašek (13  g)
-          1 bag of vanilla sugar (0.35  oz)            / 1 vanilin sladkor (10  g)

* For chocolate Spong Cake use 7.05  oz of flour & 1.41  oz cocoa or chocolate powder. / Za čokoladni biskvit uporabite 200  g moke in 40  g kakavovega ali čokoladnega praha.

  Jelly / Žele

-          1.05  qt of 100% (or 50 %) orange juice      / 1  liter 100 % (ali 50 %) pomarančnega soka
-          3 vanilla pudding powders                            / 3 vanilijevi puding praški
-          7 spoons of sugar                                         / 7 žlic sladkorja

*Butter Biscuits (like Ritter, Leibnitz or equivalent) / Masleni keksi (Albert oz. podobno)

  Cream / Krema 

-          0.52  qt of milk                                / 0,5  l mleka
-          6 spoons of Gustin (2.11  oz)           / 6 žlic Guština (60  g)
-          4.40  oz of margarine                       / 125  g margarine

Glaze / Glazura

-          7.0  oz of chocolate (dark or baking)                      / 200  g jedilne ali temne čokolade
-          1.41-1.76  oz of butter (for melting chocolate)        / 40-50  g masla (za topljenje čokolade)

English recipe;


Sponge Cake

  1. Separate eggs into yolks and whites of an egg. Add 4 spoons of water to whites of an egg and whisk it with a whisk or electronic whisk mixer. During whisking, slowly add the sugar and whisk the mixture until you get that firm 'snowy' texture. Add another 4 spoons of water to yolks and smoothly whisk them. 
  2. To whipped egg whites, add whisked yolks and half of the flour (4.23  oz), which was previously mixed with baking powder, and also add vanilla sugar. Softly stir it and add another half of flour (4.23  oz).Stir the mixture again and pour it in the pre-buttered cake tin. (I used springform cake tin, so it would be easier to take it out and eventually to cut it in evenly layers.) 
  3. Turn oven to 302  °F and bake the sponge cake at that temperature 20 minutes. Then bake another 20 to 25 minutes at 392  °F. The sponge cake is baked when it gets that golden surface. You can also use a,sharp pointy knife to see, if it is really baked. If the knife is clean and nothing is sticking on it, then it is baked. After that let it cool down and then cut the layers. 
  4. Of that much ingredients you can get at least 3 layers. So you can basically make 3 Lambada cakes. But in our case we need just one layer. So you can use other biscuit layers for other kind of dessert or just sprinkle them with powdered sugar and serve them like that to the guests.
  • Warning: In case of chocolate sponge cake evenly divide  both flour and cocoa /chocolate powder. Mix together one half of flour (3.52  oz) and one half of cocoa /chocolate powder (0.705  oz) with baking powder. Then also mix the other half of  flour and the other half of cocoa/chocolate powder together.
  1. Take a couple of spoons (preferably 8 to 10) of orange juice and mix it with vanilla pudding powder and sugar. Stir it, till it becomes smooth and liquid. Cook the rest of the orange juice in the pot, until it boils. 
  2. Move pot from the stove and add vanilla pudding mixture into the boiled juice. Mix it in quickly with a whisk and whisk it on the stove, till it becomes thick. 
  3. Pour the jelly into the cake tin on the sponge cake and let it cool off on the room temperature or put it in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes (5 – 10 min). After that put on top of the jelly a layer of biscuits (Or you can put it on the cream like I did). Soak biscuits with rum, milk or any kind of juice.

  1. Boil half of litre of milk and ½ of margarine (2.20 oz) in the pot. Move pot from the stove and add 6 spoons of Gustin  (2.11  oz) into the mixture. Put pot back on the stove and stir it, until it is thick enough. 
  2. When it cools off (on room temperature) and is lukewarm, mix in the last half of margarine (2.20 oz) and pour it over the biscuits (or in my case jelly).
  1. Boil some water on the pot and put the tin dish over it. Put chopped chocolate into the dish with a couple cubes of butter. Preferably 1.41-1.76  oz of butter but it can vary. I usually don't measure it because I'm already used to how much I need. Stir it until the mixture is shiny and thick but still liquid enough. Pour it over cream or like I did, over the biscuits.
  2. Let the dessert cool off on the room temperature if you want nice, soft glaze or  in the refrigerator if you want the hard chocolate glaze layer on top. I also decorated my Lambada cake with chocolate ganache icing (using the kitchn recipe) since it was made for a birthday, but you don't need to. If dessert stays outside on room temperature, it's best edible for 3 days.  In refrigerator it can last longer.

Slovenski recept;


  1. Loči jajca na beljake in rumenjake. Beljakom dodaj 4 žlice vode in z mešalnikom stepaj da nastane sneg.  Medtem dodajaj sladkor ter stepaj dokler se tekstura ne utrdi. Druge 4 žlice vode dodaj rumenjakom ter tudi njih z metlico ali vilico gladko stepaj. 
  2. Snegu dodaj stepane rumenjake in polovico moke ( 120  g), ki jo prej zmešamo z pecilnim praškom, nato pa še vanilin sladkor. Gladko zmešaj in dodaj drugo polovico moke. Znova gladko zmešaj maso in jo prelij v namaščen pekač. Jaz sem zaradi lažjega rezanja in odstranitve biskvita iz modela uporabila 'springform' pekač oz. pekač z odstranljivim robom. 
  3. Biskvit peči 20 minut pri 150  °C in nato še dodatnih 20-25 minut pri 200  °C. Ko je pečen bo imel biskvit lepo zlato skorjico. Če je res pečen lahko preverimo tudi z ostrim nožem. Če se nanj nič ne prime, je biskvit pečen. Pustimo ga, da se ohladi. Kasneje ga razrežemo na sloje. 
  4. Ker iz sestavin lahko dobimo več kot 3 sloje, tako lahko naenkrat naredimo 3 Lambada torte. Vendar za potrebo tega recepta rabimo samo enega. Preostali biskvit se lahko uporabi tudi za druga peciva ali pa ga preprosto posujemo z sladkorjem v prahu in postrežemo takega.
  • Opozorilo: V primeru čokoladnega biskvita razdeli  200  g moke na pol, prav tako 40  g kakavovega oz. čokoladnega praha.  Zmešaj skupaj prvo polovico (100  g) moke in 20  g praha skupaj z pecilnim praškom. Drugo polovico moke in praha prav tako zmešaj skupaj.

  1. Vzemi nekaj žlic (8 do 10) pomarančnega soka in ga zmešaj z praški vanilijevega pudinga ter sladkorjem, dokler ni masa gladka in tekoča. V posodi zavri preostali sok, dokler ne zavre. 
  2. Posodo odstavi in v vreli sok  hitro vmešaj pudingovo maso. Na ognju mešaj z metlico, dokler se puding ne zgosti. 
  3. Zlij žele na biskvit v pekaču in pusti, da se ohladi na sobni temperaturi. Lahko pa pekač za 5-10 minut pustiš v hladilniku. Zatem na žele položi plast maslenih keksov. (Ali pa jih namesto tu, raje položi na kremo kot v mojem primeru). Piškote navlaži z rumom, mlekom ali sokom.
  1. V posodi zavri pol litra mleka skupaj z 62, 5  g margarine. Odstavi in v mešanico dodaj 6 žlic Guština (60  g). Na ognju z metlico mešaj vse dokler se mešanica ne zgosti dovolj. 
  2. Ko se ohladi (na sobni temperaturi) oz. je mlačna dodaj drugo polovico margarine (62,5  g). Znova zmešaj in prelij kremo čez maslene kekse oz. v mojem primeru čez žele.

  1. V posodi zavri vodo in nanjo postavi lahko kovinsko posodo. Vanjo daj sesekljano čokolado in okoli 40 do 50  g masla. Jaz ponavadi ne merim, saj že imam občutek koliko ponavadi rabim. Mešaj dokler se čokolada ne stopi, glazura pa postane sijoča in gosta, a vseeno še vedno tekoča. Prelij jo čez kremo ali tako kot jaz čez piškote. 
  2. Če želiš lepo, mehko, sočno glazuro, sladico ohladi  na sobni temperaturi. In nasprotno, če želiš bolj tršo čokoladno glazuro, daj sladico hladiti v hladilnik. Jaz sem jo še okrasila z čokoladno kremo ganach iz smetane in čokolade po the kitchn receptu, saj je bila Lambada torta narejena za rojstni dan, vendar to drugače ni potrebno.  Sladico je najbolje pojesti v 3 dneh (če je zunaj na sobni temperaturi). V hladilniku zdrži še malo dlje.

Dober tek!


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