
Showing posts from April, 2012

Black on white

Today I decided to showcase a video I made about three years ago. I had a feeling to say something but not necessarily in a direct way. I was inspired so I made a video called Black on White, which talks about all the horrors and injustice that we can prevent if we only try to respect one another. The reason  I am publishing it here is because I think that awareness is still pretty low and so I'm passing the message along. I know this doesn't change anything, but I kinda feel that I at least tried to contribute and as woman that got through a lot and an artist I think I am doing my purpose from right reasons. Enjoy the view and if you like it pass the message on. ;)  Due to technical problems here is a link to video :   Black on White

New Beginning, new story

A first of many, at least I would like to think of that like that. I like to write stories so I decided to publish one for my first post. It  has been written in slovene though. I wrote it few days ago for my faculty project but I thought is worth posting. Hope you like it. The title in slovene language is Poslednji strel, which means the last shot. POSLEDNJI STREL Ura je odbila pet zjutraj. Alarm nikakor ni nehal ponehati. Po hiši so zveneli zvoki škripanja in pokanja lesa. Skozi odprto okno sem zaslišal zvoke hup avtomobilov in hitro bližajočega se vlaka. Kot da bi se celo vesolje zarotilo proti meni. Ni se mi dalo vstati. Hotel sem še malo poležati preden bi nastopil še en vsakdanji dan v službi. Sonce je počasi vzhajalo v svojih toplih barvah in razsvetlilo sobo. Tedaj se je oglasil odzivnik. Vedel sem, da je bilo preveč dobro, da bi bilo res. Z težavo sem se usedel na rob postelje, si pomel oči in se spraševal kaj je meni tega treba. Vsega sem ime...